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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Every penny is valuable
I think it's important to remember that no matter how small any amount of money is it's valuable. Getting in this mindset can help you in life. It all starts out with treating pennies well which leads to treating the bigger amounts of money with respect. Let's face it, a penny is pretty insignificant. But they add up to bigger amounts. And those bigger amounts, or even the smaller amounts, can be put to work for your benefit. Overall the bigger expenses in our lives are probably the ones that matter the most, but the small ones are important too. Carefulness would sum up this attitude. Even saving a small amount of money can matter. So try to be as conscious as possible before letting the money leave your hands. Think about it for a little while before completing the transaction. I pick up pennies on the ground from time to time. Sometimes I'm too embarrassed to do it though because of what others will think of me. It shouldn't matter what others think of me, but I let it matter. I think careful and cautious spending is one of the best things we can learn. It's like having your shield up against those that are trying to get your money. I spend money just like everybody, but I usually try to get a deal. Don't trivialize small beginnings. You have to start somewhere. And you start where you are today. Treat your money as something valuable because it is.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Keeping up appearances
I'd rather actually be wealthy than look wealthy. I really don't understand the whole keeping up with the Jones mindset. I see so many nice houses and cars around these days. Where is all this money coming from? My guess would be that it's all a big fake show. If you were able to see behind the scenes of the flashy people it might be kind of ugly. I have no desire to impress anyone with my material possessions. What's the point? There isn't one. Why not have a fat investment account and appear like a regular person instead. Call it being in stealth mode if you want. The whole looking down your nose at someone is silly. We're all on our way to the grave. We all struggle with the same stuff. Even if I had a lot of money I wouldn't show it off. I would get more satisfaction knowing that I didn't have to work for a living. I look at all these trinkets as just a big hassle and a lot of expense too, and where's that money coming from that is paying for them? Most likely it's coming from waking up to an alarm clock everyday and reporting to a boss. Not that there's anything wrong with that. After all that's how most of us have to survive in our society. But why not build investments instead to at least give yourself more options and freedom. So there will be no flashiness here. Now why most people would rather give an appearance of wealth than have actual wealth I don't know.
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